Hometown gig… finally!
Hometown gig… finally! If you were there… I can’t thank you enough. AND AT SYMPHONY HALL, NO LESS! It was a foyer concert, a small deal, but it was BIRMINGHAM. WITH FRIENDS. AND FAMILY! I was a little more nervous than usual, of course. I make my living performing for strangers… Lots of new sounding…
Drake Music + Me in Japan: Part One
日本は私に会いました。それは私をあらゆる点で得た。 いくつかのバックストーリー。私は10代から日本と日本の文化に魅了されています。それは私がレイキ、人気のある代替医療に興味を持つようになったときに始まりました。私は14歳からこの「癒し」の方法を宗教的に研究しました。1920年代に日本で考案された、これは私の最初の大きな霊的探求であり、当然日本を知りたいと思いました。 レイキの意図された癒しの力を議論することは結局私の興味を失った。レイキを探検したことで、私はチベット仏教へと導く精神的な旅にたどり着きましたが、私の日本への興味は残りました。インターネットの初期の頃、私はついにこの一見神話的な場所について学ぶことができました。私はとてもたくさんの愛を発見しました。マンガ。アニメ。寿司。原宿、カタカナ。私は際限なく興味をそそりました。そして少し恋に。 私の執着が始まってから20年後。私は自分が東京羽田空港に到着したことを知りましたが、信じられませんでした。 私はついにここにいた。 次回:どうやってそしてなぜ私はここに来た… Japan got me. It got me in every way. Some back story. I ‘ve been fascinated by Japan and Japanese culture since my teens. It started when I became interested in Reiki, the popular alternative medicine. I studied this “healing” method religiously from the age of 14. Devised in…
Deeper Still.
Contrary to what those closest to me think, I’m not my Own worst critic. In fact, that idea is redundant. Your own worst critic. It’s meaningless. What you’re supposed to be is completely honest with yourself, for better or worse. know your strengths. 0am your weaknesses.I know there’s things I’m really great at. I’ve got…
The Back Story. Why It’s Taken So Long. Part One.
It’s fair to say, l’ve had a muddled career. 3 years ago, I thought it was over before it had really started. It sounds awfully dramatic, but I was fully expecting to have called time by now. I couldn’t move forward as a live performer. At least not in the model I was working in.…
All kind of weird icky feels. It doesn’t matter how I feel. He’s one of my biggest influences. His LPs are forever in the soundtrack to our lives. He was our eldest son’s first favourite singer. He’s also my go-to example of how fucked the music industry is around mental health + relationships. I remember…
Go Be You.
Alt text: a handwritten note, which I have not yet been able to transcribe. Looking into a way of converting these hand written notes. Irony overload: handwritten blog posts are more accessible for me, not accessible at all for some of my readers… I’m working on a solution xx
Go Deep or Go Home.
It’s kind of a cliche to talk about creativity as an elusive thing. Terms like “Writer’s Block” validate our perception that inspiration can escape the gravity of our ambitions at any time. I’m less and less convinced that this is true. It doesn’t follow that I am therefore inspired all of the time, sadly. Imagine!…
Radio Static.
“Many painters are afraid of the blank canvas, but the blank canvas is afraid of the painter who dares and who has broken the spell of ‘you can’t’ once and for all.” Bleary eyed, I’m staring at the white box. Where the text goes. There must be something meaningful to say. It’s been a strange…