What Disability Is/Isn’t.
This is a copy of a Twitter thread that I posted yesterday which is going to bit of traction. Of course, the problem with the social media is that none of us own the space, so in the interest of taking ownership of my stuff, here it is. Please consider sharing this; I’d really like…
When I Grow Up: Drake Music @ DaDa
In rehearsals today for DM’s evening at DaDaFest next week. DaDa is a leading organisation in disability arts, and I’ve had the pleasure of working with them before. Next week I’m performing my guitar/gloves piece, When I Grow Up (originally commissioned by Drake Music for the DM20 celebration, and supported by the PRSF’s Talent Development…
World CP Day: What CP Is Like For Me.
This piece contains frank discussion of ableism and ableist language, and is intended for older audiences. The Tic Tac No, as it’s known, is something I designed in my art college days to represent a particularly insidious problem. Put simply, there are things in life that we accept as right, even though we kinda know…
The Word.
I’ve never been a fan of seeing my name on things, so I was always going to give this project a name of it’s own. In thinking about what it is I do, I thought I’d come up with an interesting portmanteau to describe it. I (thought I had) invented a word – dis as…