That Escalated Quickly…
So. I posted this video on social media a couple of days ago. It’s about the awkwardness that surrounds being a wheelchair user who can stand and walk (a bit). It’s gained quite a bit of traction for me; over 100 views within a few hours of being posted, which is a lot for me…
Lazy Guitar Jams (and Hand Issues).
I love this guitar. I’ve been playing a few different things lately, and forgot how spankingly clean and crisp this ageing shred machine can be. I was going for that Yvette Young clean crunch vibe. This video is also useful to see how Cerebral Palsy affects my picking hand. This type of playing definitely is…
World CP Day: What CP Is Like For Me.
This piece contains frank discussion of ableism and ableist language, and is intended for older audiences. The Tic Tac No, as it’s known, is something I designed in my art college days to represent a particularly insidious problem. Put simply, there are things in life that we accept as right, even though we kinda know…